Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

I have been approved to be a volunteer at the Kushi Institute.  I don't have all the details of when I am leaving, but I should get all those details on Wednesday.  My goal is to be there on April 15th (my father's birthday) and then return home on May 15th.  My children made the comment that Mom has to go someplace else to cook because I am not allowed in our kitchen.  I think they have a point, but it is going to be exciting learning how to really cook Macrobiotically.
My clinic will be closing at the end of the week and I am sad and excited all at the same time.  I have loved working at my clinic and seeing all my great patients who have become my friends, mentors, and inspiration.  I will miss not seeing them everyday, but I will be going off on my little sabbatical I will be refilling my cup, and  I will be learning a subject that I have been reading and practicing for about 6 months.  I will be going to the "Mecca' of Macrobiotics and studying with the founder Michio Kushi.  I am hoping to absorb as much information as I can and then come back and teach Macrobiotic cooking classes to my patients, friends, and family. 
I have not really spent anytime in the kitchen since I started graduate school 6 years ago and then it got worse once I opened the clinic.  I was able to tell people how to make my soups, but I did not cook them.  I hope that I do not make a fool of myself in the kitchen and I get my groove back quickly.  They say it is like riding a bike you never forget it, but I know that I am rusty.

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