Sunday, April 18, 2010

Detox time

Well before I write how I did in the kitchen today.  I want to tell you how I am feeling.  When you check into the Kushi Institute they give you a list of detox symptoms you might experience while your body rids itself of the junk you had been eating before.  When they first gave me the list I looked at it and thought I am not going to expereince anyo of these symptoms because I thought my diet was pretty good.  Well I was completely wrong.  I seem to be going throught the list and checking each one off.  The first one was fatique and the first two days I was here all I wanted to do was sleep.  I didn't even think I could do my first shift in the kitchen because I thought I would over sleep and not get up.  The second one was you might experience diarrhea or constipation.  I did and I did not like it.  The third was body aches or joint pain.  This one I thought for sure I was immune to becauae i am in pretty good health and I exercise, well again I was wrong.  my legs, knees, and calves are very sore that I even had to forgo a walk with my coworkers and getting up and down the stairs I feel like I am 80 years old.  I am hoping this one will go away very soon.  The fourth is flew like symptoms like a sore throat, fever, or cough.  I got the sore throat.  I guess I thought I was Super Woman but macrobiotics is teaching me that I am just as toxic as everyone else.  They say that after about a week I will be feeling great and full of energy.  I am waiting for those glorious days to show up soon.
In the mean time I am still plugging around with a sore throat, achy legs, and a disturbed bowel system but still very happy I am here.

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