Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 21 at the Kushi Institute

Today was day number 4 on my fast.  I did add some green vegetables and miso soup to my fast and actually I feel better.  They say my face has a better color.  I think I will have to try this at home too because I am not in complete control of my diet.  This morning instead of having brown rice I had polenta because that is what the chef made for breakfast and there was no rice left from dinner.  I had a little polenta but I also had the kale and miso.  I can tell you that Kale can be even harder to chew than brown rice so I was definitely chewing each bite 50 times. 
Tonight some of us watched a movie called "Super Size Me".  I have seen it before but it was nice seeing it again and catching nuances I didn't get from the first viewing.  The movie is about a guy in good health who goes on a mission to eat only McDonald's food for one month to see what it would do to his body.  He gained 24 pounds and his cholesterol went from 163 to 240.  His liver enzymes were off the chart.  At the beginning of the movie the doctors think that only his cholesterol will go up a few pounds and his blood pressure a few point but that is about that.  They are shocked at what happened to his liver they compared it to an alcoholic binge.  I also noticed the lobbiest for the big food chains talk about how they are trying to educate the public about health, but it is not their responsibility to make healthy foods.  I am just glad that I am here eating this food and not fast food.

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